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GR tells us to put ourselves in the place of the other person. But this is logically impossible, since if I were the other person then I wouldn't be me.

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GR tells us to put ourselves in the place of the other person. But this is logically impossible, since if I were the other person then I wouldn't be me.

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2 is correct!

GR tells us to put ourselves in the place of the other person. But this is logically impossible, since if I were the other person then I wouldn't be me.

We only have to imagine what it would be like to be in the place of the other person. Imagining ourselves in different situations is a common experience. We do it when we watch movies or read novels. There's no logical impossibility here.

It's often difficult to imagine ourselves, in a vivid and accurate way, in the place of another. And we never do it perfectly. But it's something that we can try to develop.

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