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Many other formulas express roughly the same insight about morality as the golden rule and formula of universal law. These include "Love your neighbor as yourself," "Treat everyone as a brother or sister," "Treat people as ends and not just as means," "Act as if you were to live out in sequence your life and the lives of those affected by your actions," and "Act only in ways that you'd consent to if you didn't know your place in the situation."

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1 is correct!

Many other formulas express roughly the same insight about morality as the golden rule and formula of universal law. These include "Love your neighbor as yourself," "Treat everyone as a brother or sister," "Treat people as ends and not just as means," "Act as if you were to live out in sequence your life and the lives of those affected by your actions," and "Act only in ways that you'd consent to if you didn't know your place in the situation."

Which formula is better in a given context depends on our audience and purposes. Our GR and UL, even though they are technical and depend on subtle distinctions, have two big advantages. They can be formulated in clear, literal, plausible ways; and and they can be deduced from formal axioms.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Many other formulas express roughly the same insight about morality as the golden rule and formula of universal law. These include "Love your neighbor as yourself," "Treat everyone as a brother or sister," "Treat people as ends and not just as means," "Act as if you were to live out in sequence your life and the lives of those affected by your actions," and "Act only in ways that you'd consent to if you didn't know your place in the situation."

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the end