What is the best match?

Keep your ends and means in harmony with each other.

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 5.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

Keep your ends and means in harmony with each other.

Treat yourself (in the future) only as you're willing to have been treated by yourself (in the past). <=> future-regard principle

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Keep your ends and means in harmony with each other.

    { 1 } - future-regard principle
    { 2 } - logicality
    { 3 } - golden rule
    { 4 } - ends-means
    { 5 } - impartiality

Don't accept inconsistent beliefs. <=> logicality

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

Keep your ends and means in harmony with each other.

    { 1 } - future-regard principle
    { 2 } - logicality
    { 3 } - golden rule
    { 4 } - ends-means
    { 5 } - impartiality

Treat others only in ways that you're willing to be treated in the same situation. <=> golden rule

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4 is correct!

Keep your ends and means in harmony with each other.

    { 1 } - future-regard principle
    { 2 } - logicality
    { 3 } - golden rule
    { 4 } - ends-means
    { 5 } - impartiality

Keep your ends and means in harmony with each other. <=> ends-means

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


5 is wrong. Please try again.

Keep your ends and means in harmony with each other.

    { 1 } - future-regard principle
    { 2 } - logicality
    { 3 } - golden rule
    { 4 } - ends-means
    { 5 } - impartiality

Make similar evaluations about similar cases. <=> impartiality

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the end