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Aquinas mentions the golden rule, "by which everyone is to do to others as he would be done by," as an example of the natural law.

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Aquinas mentions the golden rule, "by which everyone is to do to others as he would be done by," as an example of the natural law.

Aquinas thinks that the golden rule and other basic natural laws are present in all of us, as part of our natural reason. The golden rule is also in the Bible, which gave it as the summary of the law and the prophets. Many things are present both in natural law (which is accessible to our reason) and in the Bible (which is given to us as God's revelation).

Aquinas mentions the golden rule in section 94.4 about whether the natural law is the same in all. Aquinas thinks that the basic ideas of the natural law (like the golden rule) ARE the same in all.

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Aquinas mentions the golden rule, "by which everyone is to do to others as he would be done by," as an example of the natural law.

Aquinas thinks that the golden rule and other basic natural laws are present in all of us, as part of our natural reason. The golden rule is also in the Bible, which gave it as the summary of the law and the prophets. Many things are present both in natural law (which is accessible to our reason) and in the Bible (which is given to us as God's revelation).

Aquinas mentions the golden rule in section 94.4 about whether the natural law is the same in all. Aquinas thinks that the basic ideas of the natural law (like the golden rule) ARE the same in all.

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