What is your answer?

Private property and slavery are both

    { 1 } - forbidden by natural law -- since a "state of nature" would have neither.
    { 2 } - devised by human reason for the benefit of human life.
    { 3 } - none of the above.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

Private property and slavery are both

What there was in a "state of nature" prior to society has no moral significance. For example, clothes are provided, not by nature, but by human effort; but this doesn't make clothes bad.

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2 is correct!

Private property and slavery are both

    { 1 } - forbidden by natural law -- since a "state of nature" would have neither.
    { 2 } - devised by human reason for the benefit of human life.
    { 3 } - none of the above.

Aquinas actually says this! Presumably he was influenced by the moral standards of his society.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

Private property and slavery are both

    { 1 } - forbidden by natural law -- since a "state of nature" would have neither.
    { 2 } - devised by human reason for the benefit of human life.
    { 3 } - none of the above.

He does lump both of these together.

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the end