What is your answer?

Which of these DIDN'T Aquinas claim to be a self-evident truth?

    { 1 } - "Good is that which all things seek after."
    { 2 } - "What is right in one case is thereby right in all similar cases."
    { 3 } - "The same thing cannot be affirmed and denied at the same time."
    { 4 } - "Good is to be pursued, and evil is to be avoided."

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

Which of these DIDN'T Aquinas claim to be a self-evident truth?

This explains the notion of good.

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2 is correct!

Which of these DIDN'T Aquinas claim to be a self-evident truth?

    { 1 } - "Good is that which all things seek after."
    { 2 } - "What is right in one case is thereby right in all similar cases."
    { 3 } - "The same thing cannot be affirmed and denied at the same time."
    { 4 } - "Good is to be pursued, and evil is to be avoided."

This idea, called the "universalizability principle," wasn't formulated until several centuries later. But I'm sure that Aquinas would have accepted the idea.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


3 is wrong. Please try again.

Which of these DIDN'T Aquinas claim to be a self-evident truth?

    { 1 } - "Good is that which all things seek after."
    { 2 } - "What is right in one case is thereby right in all similar cases."
    { 3 } - "The same thing cannot be affirmed and denied at the same time."
    { 4 } - "Good is to be pursued, and evil is to be avoided."

The law of noncontradiction is the most basic principle of speculative reason.

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

Which of these DIDN'T Aquinas claim to be a self-evident truth?

    { 1 } - "Good is that which all things seek after."
    { 2 } - "What is right in one case is thereby right in all similar cases."
    { 3 } - "The same thing cannot be affirmed and denied at the same time."
    { 4 } - "Good is to be pursued, and evil is to be avoided."

This is the first precept of law.

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the end