What is your answer?

Divine law (the law revealed to us in the Bible) has the purpose of

    { 1 } - clarifying our uncertain judgments.
    { 2 } - perfecting our inner motives.
    { 3 } - directing us to our supernatural end of eternal happiness.
    { 4 } - all of the above.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

Divine law (the law revealed to us in the Bible) has the purpose of

Reason can tell us the basic principles of right and wrong. But it's helpful that revelation repeat the lesson in a clearer and more emphatic way -- as in the ten commandments.

But the other purposes are important too.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Divine law (the law revealed to us in the Bible) has the purpose of

    { 1 } - clarifying our uncertain judgments.
    { 2 } - perfecting our inner motives.
    { 3 } - directing us to our supernatural end of eternal happiness.
    { 4 } - all of the above.

The Bible (especially the sermon on the mount) tries to purify and elevate our motives -- so that we don't just do the right thing, but we do it for the right reasons.

But the other purposes are important too.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

Divine law (the law revealed to us in the Bible) has the purpose of

    { 1 } - clarifying our uncertain judgments.
    { 2 } - perfecting our inner motives.
    { 3 } - directing us to our supernatural end of eternal happiness.
    { 4 } - all of the above.

Revelation can teach us about how to relate to God. This prepares us for our supernatural end -- eternal happiness with God in heaven.

But the other purposes are important too.

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4 is correct!

Divine law (the law revealed to us in the Bible) has the purpose of

    { 1 } - clarifying our uncertain judgments.
    { 2 } - perfecting our inner motives.
    { 3 } - directing us to our supernatural end of eternal happiness.
    { 4 } - all of the above.

The biblical revelation of God's will has all these purposes.

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the end