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Aristotle tries to prove that there is some ONE goal that we all ultimately seek.

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(No scoring on this one.)

Aristotle tries to prove that there is some ONE goal that we all ultimately seek.

Aristotle's view requires that there be such a goal. Otherwise we have a relativism. My ultimate goal might be world communism, and yours might be world capitalism; and Aristotle says that we can't reason about ultimate goals.

Aristotle SEEMS to argue fallaciously: "Every action aims at some goal; therefore, there is some (ONE) goal that all actions aim at." But some scholars think that he wasn't really arguing this way.

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(No scoring on this one.)

Aristotle tries to prove that there is some ONE goal that we all ultimately seek.

Aristotle's view requires that there be such a goal. Otherwise we have a relativism. My ultimate goal might be world communism, and yours might be world capitalism; and Aristotle says that we can't reason about ultimate goals.

Aristotle SEEMS to argue fallaciously: "Every action aims at some goal; therefore, there is some (ONE) goal that all actions aim at." But some scholars think that he wasn't really arguing this way.

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