What is your answer?

Virtues divide into

    { 1 } - natural virtues and supernatural virtues.
    { 2 } - self-seeking virtues and other-seeking virtues.
    { 3 } - intellectual virtues and moral virtues.

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 3.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

Virtues divide into

Are you thinking of St. Thomas Aquinas?

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Virtues divide into

    { 1 } - natural virtues and supernatural virtues.
    { 2 } - self-seeking virtues and other-seeking virtues.
    { 3 } - intellectual virtues and moral virtues.

The egoism/altruism question wasn't a pressing issue for Aristotle.

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3 is correct!

Virtues divide into

    { 1 } - natural virtues and supernatural virtues.
    { 2 } - self-seeking virtues and other-seeking virtues.
    { 3 } - intellectual virtues and moral virtues.

Intellectual virtues deal with thinking. These virtues include things like scientific knowledge and practical wisdom. Presumably, they would also include things like being clear, being aware of objections, and giving reasons for your beliefs.

Moral virtues deal with acting. These virtues include things like courage, honesty, and justice.

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