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You can become honest by mechanically repeating honest acts.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

You can become honest by mechanically repeating honest acts.

Honesty requires having the proper motivation. Suppose that you keep doing the honest thing, but only to avoid punishment. You may develop the habit of avoiding punishment, but you won't develop the virtue of honesty.

Suppose instead that you keep trying to do the honest thing just because it is the honest thing. Before long, honesty will become part of you. You will more and more just know the honest thing -- and you will do it without much thought or struggle.

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2 is correct!

You can become honest by mechanically repeating honest acts.

Honesty requires having the proper motivation. Suppose that you keep doing the honest thing, but only to avoid punishment. You may develop the habit of avoiding punishment, but you won't develop the virtue of honesty.

Suppose instead that you keep trying to do the honest thing just because it is the honest thing. Before long, honesty will become part of you. You will more and more just know the honest thing -- and you will do it without much thought or struggle.

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