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The ability to reason distinguishes humans from other forms of life.

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The ability to reason distinguishes humans from other forms of life.

Aristotle defined "man" as "rational animal." We share much with other animals (e.g., nutrition, growth, reproduction, sensation). What sets us apart is the ability to reason.

Aristotle didn't think that a dog could reason. Was he right? What sort of reasoning abilities do we have that a dog lacks? Do dogs lack these abilities entirely, or just have them in a lesser way?

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The ability to reason distinguishes humans from other forms of life.

Aristotle defined "man" as "rational animal." We share much with other animals (e.g., nutrition, growth, reproduction, sensation). What sets us apart is the ability to reason.

Aristotle didn't think that a dog could reason. Was he right? What sort of reasoning abilities do we have that a dog lacks? Do dogs lack these abilities entirely, or just have them in a lesser way?

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