What is your answer?

Our happiness consists primarily in living out

    { 1 } - contemplation (philosophical wisdom).
    { 2 } - the virtues of character (the moral virtues).

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(No scoring on this one.)

Our happiness consists primarily in living out

This isn't clear in Aristotle. The highest good seems to be contemplation, because it exercises our highest activities toward the highest objects. But contemplation is beyond the capacity of most people; so most of us have to settle for something lower and less divine.

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(No scoring on this one.)

Our happiness consists primarily in living out

    { 1 } - contemplation (philosophical wisdom).
    { 2 } - the virtues of character (the moral virtues).

This isn't clear in Aristotle. The highest good seems to be contemplation, because it exercises our highest activities toward the highest objects. But contemplation is beyond the capacity of most people; so most of us have to settle for something lower and less divine.

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the end