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Ayer holds

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Ayer holds

Intuitionism says that there are irreducible objective ethical truths, and that we can know the basic ones by intuition.

Ayer rejects both claims.

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2 is correct!

Ayer holds

    { 1 } - intuitionism.
    { 2 } - emotivism.
    { 3 } - subjectivism.

Ayer says that moral judgments aren't true or false, but are merely expressions of feeling. "X is good" means something like "Hurrah for X!"

This is emotivism.

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Ayer holds

    { 1 } - intuitionism.
    { 2 } - emotivism.
    { 3 } - subjectivism.

Subjectivism says that "X is good" is a true or false description of one's feelings, and means something like "I like X."

Ayer's emotivism holds that "X is good" is an exclamation that isn't true or false and means something like "Hurrah for X!"

Emotivism is like subjectivism in spirit, but it's formulated in a way that makes it harder to refute.

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