What is your answer?

"Good" is equivalent to "reasonable" -- and "bad" is equivalent to "unreasonable."

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"Good" is equivalent to "reasonable" -- and "bad" is equivalent to "unreasonable."

Hume thinks that "good" and "bad" have little to do with reason but much to do with feeling. We use "good" or "bad" depending on our emotional reactions.

An action is unreasonable only if it involves some error about factual circumstances or ends-means. Neither of these make the action "bad" or "vicious."

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2 is correct!

"Good" is equivalent to "reasonable" -- and "bad" is equivalent to "unreasonable."

Hume thinks that "good" and "bad" have little to do with reason but much to do with feeling. We use "good" or "bad" depending on our emotional reactions.

An action is unreasonable only if it involves some error about factual circumstances or ends-means. Neither of these make the action "bad" or "vicious."

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