What is your answer?

Hume says that virtue is distinguished by the pleasure that comes from considering the thing in question. What does this mean?

    { 1 } - "Good" means "pleasurable."
    { 2 } - The pleasure we feel is a subjective sign of the objective truth about the goodness of the thing.
    { 3 } - If we feel pleasure toward the idea of A, then we'll approve of A and say that A is good.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

Hume says that virtue is distinguished by the pleasure that comes from considering the thing in question. What does this mean?

    { 1 } - "Good" means "pleasurable."
    { 2 } - The pleasure we feel is a subjective sign of the objective truth about the goodness of the thing.
    { 3 } - If we feel pleasure toward the idea of A, then we'll approve of A and say that A is good.

This makes moral judgments true or false, and hence subject to reason. Hume denies these things.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Hume says that virtue is distinguished by the pleasure that comes from considering the thing in question. What does this mean?

    { 1 } - "Good" means "pleasurable."
    { 2 } - The pleasure we feel is a subjective sign of the objective truth about the goodness of the thing.
    { 3 } - If we feel pleasure toward the idea of A, then we'll approve of A and say that A is good.

Some philosophers have held this, but not Hume. Hume denies that moral judgments are truths that we can discover.

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3 is correct!

Hume says that virtue is distinguished by the pleasure that comes from considering the thing in question. What does this mean?

    { 1 } - "Good" means "pleasurable."
    { 2 } - The pleasure we feel is a subjective sign of the objective truth about the goodness of the thing.
    { 3 } - If we feel pleasure toward the idea of A, then we'll approve of A and say that A is good.

This is compatible with several views about the meaning of "A is good": emotivism ("Hurrah for A!"), subjectivism ("I like A"), or even the ideal observer theory ("An ideal observer would like A").

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