What is your answer?

Which of these is a possible objection to Mill's utilitarianism?

    { 1 } - The act that causes the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for the whole group might be grossly injust toward some individuals.
    { 2 } - It's difficult or impossible to calculate pleasures and pains, and to combine these into a sum-total.
    { 3 } - Both of these are possible problems.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

Which of these is a possible objection to Mill's utilitarianism?

Utilitarians have to worry about both objections.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Which of these is a possible objection to Mill's utilitarianism?

    { 1 } - The act that causes the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for the whole group might be grossly injust toward some individuals.
    { 2 } - It's difficult or impossible to calculate pleasures and pains, and to combine these into a sum-total.
    { 3 } - Both of these are possible problems.

Utilitarians have to worry about both objections.

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3 is correct!

Which of these is a possible objection to Mill's utilitarianism?

    { 1 } - The act that causes the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for the whole group might be grossly injust toward some individuals.
    { 2 } - It's difficult or impossible to calculate pleasures and pains, and to combine these into a sum-total.
    { 3 } - Both of these are possible problems.

Utilitarians have to worry about both objections.

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the end