What is your answer?

Naturalism is the view that

    { 1 } - there is no God.
    { 2 } - we can explain ethics without appealing to anything beyond science.
    { 3 } - "good" is equivalent to some empirical idea (like "desired" or "socially accepted").
    { 4 } - we ought to walk through the mountains and appreciate nature.

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 4.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

Naturalism is the view that

    { 1 } - there is no God.
    { 2 } - we can explain ethics without appealing to anything beyond science.
    { 3 } - "good" is equivalent to some empirical idea (like "desired" or "socially accepted").
    { 4 } - we ought to walk through the mountains and appreciate nature.

This isn't what Moore means by "naturalism."

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Naturalism is the view that

    { 1 } - there is no God.
    { 2 } - we can explain ethics without appealing to anything beyond science.
    { 3 } - "good" is equivalent to some empirical idea (like "desired" or "socially accepted").
    { 4 } - we ought to walk through the mountains and appreciate nature.

This is close, but not exactly what Moore means.

Emotivists think that "good" expresses emotions, not truths. Although they explain ethics without appealing to anything beyond science, they aren't "naturalists" in Moore's sense.

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3 is correct!

Naturalism is the view that

    { 1 } - there is no God.
    { 2 } - we can explain ethics without appealing to anything beyond science.
    { 3 } - "good" is equivalent to some empirical idea (like "desired" or "socially accepted").
    { 4 } - we ought to walk through the mountains and appreciate nature.

This is what Moore rejects.

"Good" doesn't mean "desired," for example, because we can significantly ask "Are all things that are desired good?" This doesn't mean "Are all things that are desired desired?"

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


4 is wrong. Please try again.

Naturalism is the view that

    { 1 } - there is no God.
    { 2 } - we can explain ethics without appealing to anything beyond science.
    { 3 } - "good" is equivalent to some empirical idea (like "desired" or "socially accepted").
    { 4 } - we ought to walk through the mountains and appreciate nature.

This isn't what Moore means by "naturalism."

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the end