What is your answer?

True knowledge

    { 1 } - comes from sense experience.
    { 2 } - comes from inner reason.
    { 3 } - is impossible for humans.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

True knowledge

Plato thought that sense experience was unreliable.

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2 is correct!

True knowledge

    { 1 } - comes from sense experience.
    { 2 } - comes from inner reason.
    { 3 } - is impossible for humans.

True knowledge is from within, from reason. We reach it by questioning and by reminiscence.

Geometry is model of true knowledge. The slave in the Meno reached a geometrical theorem as the result of questioning, even though he had never studied geometry before.

Plato wrote dialogues -- which themselves featured questioning as the way to gain knowledge.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


3 is wrong. Please try again.

True knowledge

    { 1 } - comes from sense experience.
    { 2 } - comes from inner reason.
    { 3 } - is impossible for humans.

Plato isn't a complete skeptic about the possibility of knowledge!

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the end