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If a seemingly solid moral principle leads to strange results in particular cases, we should keep our common-sense moral intuitions and reject the principle.

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If a seemingly solid moral principle leads to strange results in particular cases, we should keep our common-sense moral intuitions and reject the principle.

Singer sees this as false. He thinks that this idea leads leads to conformist values, where we just follow what our culture taught us. He contends that moral reflection should sometimes lead us to change our intuitions and take unpopular stands.

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2 is correct!

If a seemingly solid moral principle leads to strange results in particular cases, we should keep our common-sense moral intuitions and reject the principle.

Singer sees this as false. He thinks that this idea leads leads to conformist values, where we just follow what our culture taught us. He contends that moral reflection should sometimes lead us to change our intuitions and take unpopular stands.

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If a seemingly solid moral principle leads to strange results in particular cases, we should keep our common-sense moral intuitions and reject the principle.

Singer sees this as false. He thinks that this idea leads leads to conformist values, where we just follow what our culture taught us. He contends that moral reflection should sometimes lead us to change our intuitions and take unpopular stands.

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