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According to Austin, all the truths of math and logic are certain and incorrigible.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

According to Austin, all the truths of math and logic are certain and incorrigible.

Many such truths (especially complex ones like "56 * 78 = 4368") are neither certain nor incorrigible.

Some truths of math and logic are certain to us because they're very firmly established. They aren't certain just because they're about math or logic.

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2 is correct!

According to Austin, all the truths of math and logic are certain and incorrigible.

Many such truths (especially complex ones like "56 * 78 = 4368") are neither certain nor incorrigible.

Some truths of math and logic are certain to us because they're very firmly established. They aren't certain just because they're about math or logic.

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