What is your answer?
Some believers say that God is a complete mystery -- and that our talk about God is literally nonsensical. Ayer would say that
{ 1 } - talk about God is nonsensical, and yet it points to some reality that transcends sense experience.
{ 2 } - talk about God is nonsensical, and thus we should avoid beliefs about God.
{ 3 } - God isn't a complete mystery, even though he's more mysterious than most things; thus we can meaningfully say a few things about God.
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Some believers say that God is a complete mystery -- and that our talk about God is literally nonsensical. Ayer would say that
{ 1 } - talk about God is nonsensical, and yet it points to some reality that transcends sense experience.
{ 2 } - talk about God is nonsensical, and thus we should avoid beliefs about God.
{ 3 } - God isn't a complete mystery, even though he's more mysterious than most things; thus we can meaningfully say a few things about God.
Some believers talk this way, but Ayer regards it as logically incoherent. It makes no sense to admit that we can't talk about God -- and go on to talk about God.
Ayer would say that, if we really can't talk meaningful about God, then we should avoid the word "God."
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2 is correct!
Some believers say that God is a complete mystery -- and that our talk about God is literally nonsensical. Ayer would say that
{ 1 } - talk about God is nonsensical, and yet it points to some reality that transcends sense experience.
{ 2 } - talk about God is nonsensical, and thus we should avoid beliefs about God.
{ 3 } - God isn't a complete mystery, even though he's more mysterious than most things; thus we can meaningfully say a few things about God.
Ayer would say that, if we really can't talk meaningful about God, then we should avoid the word "God."
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Some believers say that God is a complete mystery -- and that our talk about God is literally nonsensical. Ayer would say that
{ 1 } - talk about God is nonsensical, and yet it points to some reality that transcends sense experience.
{ 2 } - talk about God is nonsensical, and thus we should avoid beliefs about God.
{ 3 } - God isn't a complete mystery, even though he's more mysterious than most things; thus we can meaningfully say a few things about God.
Ayer thinks that it's nonsense to talk about God, since claims about God are neither empirical nor analytic.
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the end