Ima Relativist sees the world as neatly divided into distinct societies. Within a given society, there can be little or no moral disagreement -- since the majority view determines what is good or bad.
Does Ima's view accurately describe the world?
Ima Relativist sees the world as neatly divided into distinct societies. Within a given society, there can be little or no moral disagreement -- since the majority view determines what is good or bad.
Does Ima's view accurately describe the world?
Ima's view underestimates the amount of moral disagreement within a given society.
The world is a confusing mixture of overlapping societies and groups. Within a given society, there can be much moral disagreement -- since individuals may or may not follow the majority view.
Ima Relativist sees the world as neatly divided into distinct societies. Within a given society, there can be little or no moral disagreement -- since the majority view determines what is good or bad.
Does Ima's view accurately describe the world?
Ima's view underestimates the amount of moral disagreement within a given society.
The world is a confusing mixture of overlapping societies and groups. Within a given society, there can be much moral disagreement -- since individuals may or may not follow the majority view.