We ought to do whatever brings about the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for everyone affected by our action.
We ought to do whatever brings about the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for everyone affected by our action.
Many things are intrinsically good (for example, virtue, knowledge, pleasure, life, and freedom). <=> pluralism
We ought to do whatever brings about the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for everyone affected by our action.
We ought to do whatever maximizes good consequences for ourselves. <=> egoism
We ought to do whatever brings about the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for everyone affected by our action.
We ought to do whatever brings about the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for everyone affected by our action. <=> classical utilitarianism
We ought to do whatever brings about the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for everyone affected by our action.
Only pleasure is intrinsically good and only pain is intrinsically bad. <=> hedonism
We ought to do whatever brings about the greatest balance of pleasure over pain for everyone affected by our action.
We ought to do whatever maximizes good consequences. <=> consequentialism