What is the best match?
relevantly similar actions
{ 1 } - Actions that are so similar that the reasons why one fits in a given moral category also apply to the others
{ 2 } - Don't do what you'll later regret. More precisely, treat yourself (in the future) only as you're willing to have been treated by yourself (in the past).
{ 3 } - Act only as you're willing for anyone to act in the same situation, regardless of imagined variations of time or person
{ 4 } - Keep your actions, resolutions, and desires in harmony with your moral beliefs
{ 5 } - Principle about how we ought (ideally) to form our moral beliefs
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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 5.
1 is correct!
relevantly similar actions
{ 1 } - Actions that are so similar that the reasons why one fits in a given moral category also apply to the others
{ 2 } - Don't do what you'll later regret. More precisely, treat yourself (in the future) only as you're willing to have been treated by yourself (in the past).
{ 3 } - Act only as you're willing for anyone to act in the same situation, regardless of imagined variations of time or person
{ 4 } - Keep your actions, resolutions, and desires in harmony with your moral beliefs
{ 5 } - Principle about how we ought (ideally) to form our moral beliefs
relevantly similar actions <=> Actions that are so similar that the reasons why one fits in a given moral category also apply to the others
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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.
2 is wrong. Please try again.
relevantly similar actions
{ 1 } - Actions that are so similar that the reasons why one fits in a given moral category also apply to the others
{ 2 } - Don't do what you'll later regret. More precisely, treat yourself (in the future) only as you're willing to have been treated by yourself (in the past).
{ 3 } - Act only as you're willing for anyone to act in the same situation, regardless of imagined variations of time or person
{ 4 } - Keep your actions, resolutions, and desires in harmony with your moral beliefs
{ 5 } - Principle about how we ought (ideally) to form our moral beliefs
future-regard principle <=> Don't do what you'll later regret. More precisely, treat yourself (in the future) only as you're willing to have been treated by yourself (in the past).
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3 is wrong. Please try again.
relevantly similar actions
{ 1 } - Actions that are so similar that the reasons why one fits in a given moral category also apply to the others
{ 2 } - Don't do what you'll later regret. More precisely, treat yourself (in the future) only as you're willing to have been treated by yourself (in the past).
{ 3 } - Act only as you're willing for anyone to act in the same situation, regardless of imagined variations of time or person
{ 4 } - Keep your actions, resolutions, and desires in harmony with your moral beliefs
{ 5 } - Principle about how we ought (ideally) to form our moral beliefs
formula of universal law <=> Act only as you're willing for anyone to act in the same situation, regardless of imagined variations of time or person
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4 is wrong. Please try again.
relevantly similar actions
{ 1 } - Actions that are so similar that the reasons why one fits in a given moral category also apply to the others
{ 2 } - Don't do what you'll later regret. More precisely, treat yourself (in the future) only as you're willing to have been treated by yourself (in the past).
{ 3 } - Act only as you're willing for anyone to act in the same situation, regardless of imagined variations of time or person
{ 4 } - Keep your actions, resolutions, and desires in harmony with your moral beliefs
{ 5 } - Principle about how we ought (ideally) to form our moral beliefs
conscientiousness <=> Keep your actions, resolutions, and desires in harmony with your moral beliefs
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5 is wrong. Please try again.
relevantly similar actions
{ 1 } - Actions that are so similar that the reasons why one fits in a given moral category also apply to the others
{ 2 } - Don't do what you'll later regret. More precisely, treat yourself (in the future) only as you're willing to have been treated by yourself (in the past).
{ 3 } - Act only as you're willing for anyone to act in the same situation, regardless of imagined variations of time or person
{ 4 } - Keep your actions, resolutions, and desires in harmony with your moral beliefs
{ 5 } - Principle about how we ought (ideally) to form our moral beliefs
rationality condition <=> Principle about how we ought (ideally) to form our moral beliefs
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the end