What is your answer?
Every revolution is a trade disruption.
Some trade disruptions cause financial anxiety.
So ???
{ 1 } - All trade disruptions cause financial anxiety.
{ 2 } - Some revolutions cause financial anxiety.
{ 3 } - Some revolutions don't cause financial anxiety.
{ 4 } - None of these validly follows.
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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 4.
1 is wrong. Please try again.
Every revolution is a trade disruption.
Some trade disruptions cause financial anxiety.
So ???
{ 1 } - All trade disruptions cause financial anxiety.
{ 2 } - Some revolutions cause financial anxiety.
{ 3 } - Some revolutions don't cause financial anxiety.
{ 4 } - None of these validly follows.
We can't conclude this from the premises. The second premise has "Some."
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2 is wrong. Please try again.
Every revolution is a trade disruption.
Some trade disruptions cause financial anxiety.
So ???
{ 1 } - All trade disruptions cause financial anxiety.
{ 2 } - Some revolutions cause financial anxiety.
{ 3 } - Some revolutions don't cause financial anxiety.
{ 4 } - None of these validly follows.
Not necessarily! The second premise tells us only that SOME trade disruptions cause financial anxiety. Those that do this need not be revolutions.
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3 is wrong. Please try again.
Every revolution is a trade disruption.
Some trade disruptions cause financial anxiety.
So ???
{ 1 } - All trade disruptions cause financial anxiety.
{ 2 } - Some revolutions cause financial anxiety.
{ 3 } - Some revolutions don't cause financial anxiety.
{ 4 } - None of these validly follows.
We can't conclude this from the premises. We know that SOME (at least one) trade disruption causes financial anxiety. But, for all we know, maybe ALL of them cause financial anxiety.
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4 is correct!
Every revolution is a trade disruption.
Some trade disruptions cause financial anxiety.
So ???
{ 1 } - All trade disruptions cause financial anxiety.
{ 2 } - Some revolutions cause financial anxiety.
{ 3 } - Some revolutions don't cause financial anxiety.
{ 4 } - None of these validly follows.
Given our premises, we can't draw any of these conclusions.
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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.
the end