What is your answer?

    No person desiring to help others is reluctant to make sacrifices.
    Some masochists aren't reluctant to make sacrifices.
    So ???
    { 1 } - Some masochists don't desire to help others.
    { 2 } - All masochists desire to help others.
    { 3 } - Some masochists desire to help others.
    { 4 } - None of these validly follows.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

    No person desiring to help others is reluctant to make sacrifices.
    Some masochists aren't reluctant to make sacrifices.
    So ???

We can't conclude this from the premises. Maybe ALL masochists desire to help others.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

    No person desiring to help others is reluctant to make sacrifices.
    Some masochists aren't reluctant to make sacrifices.
    So ???
    { 1 } - Some masochists don't desire to help others.
    { 2 } - All masochists desire to help others.
    { 3 } - Some masochists desire to help others.
    { 4 } - None of these validly follows.

We can't conclude this from the premises.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

    No person desiring to help others is reluctant to make sacrifices.
    Some masochists aren't reluctant to make sacrifices.
    So ???
    { 1 } - Some masochists don't desire to help others.
    { 2 } - All masochists desire to help others.
    { 3 } - Some masochists desire to help others.
    { 4 } - None of these validly follows.

Not necessarily! The second premise tells us that SOME masochists aren't reluctant to make sacrifices. These masochists might not care about others. They might make sacrifices just because they like to do so. The premises don't tell us that they desire to help others.

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4 is correct!

    No person desiring to help others is reluctant to make sacrifices.
    Some masochists aren't reluctant to make sacrifices.
    So ???
    { 1 } - Some masochists don't desire to help others.
    { 2 } - All masochists desire to help others.
    { 3 } - Some masochists desire to help others.
    { 4 } - None of these validly follows.

Given our premises, we can't draw any of these conclusions.

This one is difficult!

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


the end