What is your answer?

The golden rule tells you to treat others

    { 1 } - as they'd treat you if the situation were reversed.
    { 2 } - as they wish to be treated.
    { 3 } - as they treat you.
    { 4 } - as they wish to treat you.
    { 5 } - as they in turn treat others.
    { 6 } - as you want to be treated.

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 6.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

The golden rule tells you to treat others

This is a creative misinterpretation!

<= back | menu | forward =>


2 is wrong. Please try again.

The golden rule tells you to treat others

    { 1 } - as they'd treat you if the situation were reversed.
    { 2 } - as they wish to be treated.
    { 3 } - as they treat you.
    { 4 } - as they wish to treat you.
    { 5 } - as they in turn treat others.
    { 6 } - as you want to be treated.

This has absurd results if the other person has irrational or inconsistent desires -- or if one person wants you to do A while another wants you not to do A.

<= back | menu | forward =>


3 is wrong. Please try again.

The golden rule tells you to treat others

    { 1 } - as they'd treat you if the situation were reversed.
    { 2 } - as they wish to be treated.
    { 3 } - as they treat you.
    { 4 } - as they wish to treat you.
    { 5 } - as they in turn treat others.
    { 6 } - as you want to be treated.

This implies the law of retaliation: "If X hurts you, then hurt X." Even though this is quite different from the golden rule, the two are often confused.

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

The golden rule tells you to treat others

    { 1 } - as they'd treat you if the situation were reversed.
    { 2 } - as they wish to be treated.
    { 3 } - as they treat you.
    { 4 } - as they wish to treat you.
    { 5 } - as they in turn treat others.
    { 6 } - as you want to be treated.

This is a creative misinterpretation!

<= back | menu | forward =>


5 is wrong. Please try again.

The golden rule tells you to treat others

    { 1 } - as they'd treat you if the situation were reversed.
    { 2 } - as they wish to be treated.
    { 3 } - as they treat you.
    { 4 } - as they wish to treat you.
    { 5 } - as they in turn treat others.
    { 6 } - as you want to be treated.

This is like "Do good to good people and do bad to bad people." This isn't what the golden rule teaches.

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6 is correct!

The golden rule tells you to treat others

    { 1 } - as they'd treat you if the situation were reversed.
    { 2 } - as they wish to be treated.
    { 3 } - as they treat you.
    { 4 } - as they wish to treat you.
    { 5 } - as they in turn treat others.
    { 6 } - as you want to be treated.

Exactly! This alone is required by consistency (by conscientiousness and impartiality).

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


the end