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About how many correctly formulated variations on the golden rule are there?

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

About how many correctly formulated variations on the golden rule are there?

The two great commandments? There are more than two.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

About how many correctly formulated variations on the golden rule are there?

The ten commandments? There are more than ten.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

About how many correctly formulated variations on the golden rule are there?

There are even more than this!

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4 is correct!

About how many correctly formulated variations on the golden rule are there?

I've come up with about 6,480 variations -- all of which are provable from the axioms and don't entail absurdities or contradictions. But the number keeps growing. Thus the golden rule is more a family of related principles than it is a single principle.

There are an even greater number of misformulations -- which entail absurdities or contradictions and aren't provable from the axioms. I've come up with about 45,360 such misformulations. People who criticize "the" golden rule as having absurd implications are usually criticizing a bad form.

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