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Basic Logic Course

This tells how I teach a basic logic course using my logic textbook; you might find this useful. Of course, you don't have to do what I do; but seeing what I do may help you to think about what YOU want to do.

This gives the main text that I put into my syllabus; click here for a PDF of the actual syllabus that I give my students on the first day of class.
This course aims to promote reasoning skills, especially the ability to recognize valid reasoning. We'll study syllogistic, propositional, modal, and basic quantificational logic. We'll use these to analyze hundreds of arguments, many on philosophical topics like morality, free will, and the existence of God. We'll also study informal fallacies. Our text is Introduction to Logic (by Harry J. Gensler, Routledge, 2017 third edition - the Kindle version works fine too).

We'll have four full-period quizzes plus a comprehensive final exam, which counts as two quizzes. Missed quizzes count as zero. If you can't take a quiz on time, contact me before the morning of the next class and we might be able to set up another time; you can't take a quiz after I hand them back. Cheating on a quiz will earn you a grade in the F range. A = 90s (93 or above = A, 90-92 = A-), B = 80s (87-89 = B+, 83-86 = B, 80-82 = B-), C = 70s (77-79 = C+, 73-76 = C, 70-72 = C-), D = 60s (67-69 = D+, 60-66 = D), F = 50s or below.

You'll do much of your homework on computer using the LogiCola program. Download LogiCola from here. Send me your scores by e-mail when you take the corresponding written test; I won't accept scores after I return the quiz. Try to do the exercises at an average level of 7 or higher (levels go from 1 to 9). Your exercise scores add a bonus or penalty to your exam score. Let's say your average level (dropping fractions) is N. You get a +1 bonus for each number N is above 7; so you get a +2 bonus if N=9. You get a -1 penalty for each number N is below 7; so you get a -3 penalty if N=4. If you fake scores, your course grade will be lowered by one grade.

You're required to attend class regularly. You can miss 5 classes without this itself hurting your grade (these 5 are for sickness, funerals, etc.). After that, each unexcused absence subtracts one point from your final course average. You can be excused for university functions. Perfect attendance will add a four point bonus to your final course average.

No use of electronic devices is allowed during class, unless you have an accommodation letter. Students seeking academic accommodations for a disability must in the first week meet with Services for Students with Disabilities (Sullivan 117) and then meet with me about accommodations.

Homework Assignments
My course has 39 class periods of 50 minutes each. This is a sample of what I give as the homework assignment for each day of the course.
January 13: Our first class will meet in Cuneo 506 on the Lakeshore Campus (MWF 9:20 am or 10:25 am). Try to get our Introduction to Logic (3rd edition) textbook beforehand. Where you set next class is your assigned seat.

For Jan 15: Get the textbook and always bring it to class. Read the syllabus and pages 1-5 from the book. Do the Web exercises mentioned at the end of the pretest, at http://harryhiker.com/logic.htm. Install LogiCola on your computer or flash drive (see the "Downloading LogiCola" handout and go to http://harryhiker.com/lc). Start LogiCola and read the beginning of its help file (the first item on HELP menu), down to, but not including, "Set A - Syllogistic Translations."

For Jan 17: Do 9-16 on page 8. Read pages 6-12 (skipping the exercises). Do LogiCola A (EM & ET): this is set A (Syllogism translations) with the EM (Easier Multiple-choice) and ET (Easier Type-answer) settings; you needn't send me your scores until right before the quiz.

Jan 20: Martin Luther King day, no class.

For Jan 22: Do 5-14 on page 11 and 4-16 on pages 13-14. Read pages 15-17 (starting at bottom of 15); when you read ahead, always skip the exercises. Do LogiCola B (H, S, E): this is set B (Syllogism arguments) with the How-to-star, Symbolic, and English settings; you needn't send me your scores until right before the quiz.

For Jan 24: Do 1-5 on page 15 and 3-14 on pages 17-18. Read pages 18-20 and 22-25; when you read ahead, always skip the exercises. Do LogiCola A (HM & HT): this is set A (Syllogism translations) with the HM (Harder Multiple-choice) and HT (Harder Type-answer) settings.

For Jan 27: Do 5-15 on pages 20-21 and 3-6 on page 25. Read pages 26-27. Do LogiCola B (D & C).

For Jan 29: Do 4-15 on pages 27-28. Do LogiCola B (F & I).

Jan 31: Quiz (like the first sample quiz): 2 English arguments (like LogiCola BE), 3 idiomatic arguments (like LogiCola BI), 7 sentence translations (like LogiCola A), 2 circle test (like LogiCola BC), 5 derive conclusions (like LogiCola BD). E-mail me your LogiCola scores (not accepted after the noon of the day after the quiz): set A (EM ET HM HT) and set B (H S E D C F I).

For Feb 3: Read pages 112-117.

For Feb 5: Do 11-20 on pages 114-115 and 1-17 on page 118. Read pages 118-121. Do LogiCola C (EM & ET) and D (TE & FE).

For Feb 7: Do 9-15 on page 119, 5-12 on page 120, and 3-4 on page 122. Read pages 122-124 and 132-133. Do LogiCola D (TM, TH, UE, UM, UH, FM, & FH).

For Feb 10: Do 5-7 on page 125 and 3-15 on page 133. Read pages 126-128. Do LogiCola C (HM & HT), D (AE & AM).

For Feb 12: Do 5-15 on page 128 and 3-10 on pages 129-130. Read pages 134-138. Do LogiCola E (S & E).

For Feb 14: Do 11-14 on page 130, 4-8 on page 135, and 9-20 on page 139. Read pages 139-143. Do LogiCola E (F & I) and F (SE & SH).

For Feb 17: Do 9-14 on pages 135-136, 9-20 on page 142, and 5-16 on page 143. Read pages 144-145. Do LogiCola F (IE, IH, CE, & CH).

Feb 19: Quiz (like the second sample quiz): 3 English arguments (like LogiCola EE), 3 idiomatic arguments (like LogiCola EI), 6 symbolic arguments (like LogiCola ES), 12 S-I rules (like LogiCola F), 5 sentence translations (like LogiCola C), 1 truth table (like LogiCola DF), 2 truth-table arguments (like LogiCola DA). E-mail me your scores with the exercises done: E-mail me your LogiCola scores (not accepted after the noon of the day after the quiz): C (EM, ET, HM, HT), D (TE, TM, TH, UE, UM, UH, FE, FM, FH, AE, AM), E (S, E, F, I), and F (SE, SH, IE, IH, CE, CH).

For Feb 21: Read pages 146-151.

For Feb 24: Do 4-5 on page 152 and 1-2 English problems toward the bottom of page 152. Read pages 154-157 and LogiCola's help file section on "G - Propositional Proofs." Do LogiCola F (TE & TH) and G (EV).

For Feb 26: Do 4-8 on page 153 and 3-4 on page 157. LogiCola: continue with G (EV) if you need to, or try G (EI) if you're brave.

For Feb 28: Do 2-10 on pages 157-159. Do LogiCola G (EI & EC).

Mar 2 to 6: No class, spring break.

For Mar 9: Do 11-12 on page 159. Read pages 161-168. LogiCola: continue with G (EI & EC) if you need to, or try G (HV) if you're brave.

For Mar 11: Do 1-5 on pages 168-169. Read pages 170-171. Do LogiCola G (HV).

For Mar 13: Do 1-7 on pages 171-172. Do LogiCola G (HI, HC, & MC).

Mar 16: Quiz (like the third sample quiz): 4 English and 4 symbolic proofs (5 points each for: translation, V-or-I, perfect proof-refutation). E-mail me your LogiCola scores (not accepted after the noon of the day after the quiz): F (TE & TH) and G (EV, EI, EC, HV, HI, HC, & MC). I suggest that you also review G (MC) and sets C and F.

For Mar 18: Read pages 230-233.

For Mar 20: Do 15-21 on page 233. Read pages 234-238. Do LogiCola J (BM & BT); skip J (QM & QT).

For Mar 23: Do 22-26 on page 233 and 1-5 on page 239. Read pages 241-244. Do LogiCola K (V).

For Mar 25: Do 27-30 on page 234 and English problems 1-4 on page 245 (being sure to do the ambiguous arguments both ways). LogiCola: continue with K (V) - or, if you're brave, try K (I).

For Mar 27: Do 5-8 on pages 245-246. Read pages 51-55 on informal fallacies. Do LogiCola K (I & C).

For Mar 30: Do 9-12 on page 246. Read pages 55-60 on informal fallacies. LogiCola: Keep doing K (I & C) if you haven't mastered it.

For Apr 1: Do arguments 13-14 on page 247 and fallacies 11-25 on page 61. Do LogiCola set R.

Apr 3: Modal quiz (like the last sample quiz - no informal fallacies): 4 arguments in symbols, 3 arguments in English, 5 sentence translations. E-mail me your LogiCola scores (not accepted after the noon of the day after the quiz): JBM, JBT, KV, KI, KC.

For Apr 6: Do fallacies 26-40 on pages 61-62. Read pages 182-185. LogiCola: continue with set R.

For Apr 8: Do translations 11-20 on page 186 and fallacies 41-50 on page 62. Read pages 186-190. Do LogiCola H (EM & ET).

April 10 and 13: No class, Easter break.

For Apr 15: Do translations 21-25 on page 186 and English arguments 1-5 on pages 190-191. Read pages 191-194 and 196-197. Do LogiCola IEV.

For Apr 17: Do 1-5 on pages 194-195 and 1-7 on page 197. Read pages 198-200. Do LogiCola H (HM & HT) and I (EI & EC).

For Apr 20: Do 8-15 on page 198 and 1-6 on pages 200-201. Do LogiCola I (HC & MC).

For Apr 22: Do 16-20 on page 198 and 7-10 on pages 201.

April 24: Our last class is a review; and I'll suggest how to study for the final exam.

Final exam April 27 Mon at 9-11 (10 am group) and May 2 Sat at 1 pm (9 am group). Our comprehensive final exam will have 9 fallacies (multiple choice), 1 truth table, 18 sentence translations, 9 proofs, and 10 smaller syllogistic or propositional arguments (4 in simple English, 4 in idiomatic English, 2 derive conclusions). The final gives equal weight to syllogisms, basic propositional logic, propositional proofs, modal logic, and fallacies - and double weight to quantificational logic.

E-mail me your scores with these exercises done before the end of exam week: Set R, H (EM, ET, HM, HT), and I (EV, EI, EC, HC, MC).

I suggest you review these 23 LogiCola exercises: A (ET & HT), B (S, E, D, F, & I), C (ET & HT), D (FM), E (S, E, F, & I), F (CH & TH), G (MC), J (BT), K (C), H (ET & HT), I (MC) and R - and the class slides for chapters 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, & 10.

Outline of Classes
This gives a brief sketch of each class period; I made this for my own use, but you might find it helpful. The first line gives the class number and date. The second line tells what I do in the class period, especially what pages and exercises I cover from the book; exercises in (parenthesis) were previously assigned for homework, while those in [brackets] weren't previously assigned. The third line gives the homework for the next class; this usually involves doing problems from the book (we go over these the next class - students don't turn them in), reading pages from the book (but skipping the exercises), and doing exercises from LogiCola (the computer instructional program that goes with the book).

1 - Jan 13

I explain the written syllabus, give the written pretest, and discuss the problems on the first page of the pretest. I give out written copies of the syllabus and pretest, and also a handout on "Downloading LogiCola." Later in the course, when appropriate, I give them written copies of the relevant flashcards and sample quizzes.

Homework: Read the syllabus and pages 1-5 from the book. Do the Web exercises mentioned at the end of the pretest. Read the "Downloading LogiCola" handout and install LogiCola to your computer or flash drive. Start LogiCola and read the beginning of its help file (click F1), down to, but not including, "Set A - Syllogistic Translations." Where you sit the second class will become your assigned seat.

2 - Jan 15

Where you sit today is your assigned seat; I do roll every class. Names (pronounce, write down where are, anyone new?). 6-8 [1-8 of 2.1a]

Do 8 (9-16), read 6-12 (skip ex parts), A (EM ET) [Set A. Syllogism translations: Easier Multiple-choice, Easier Type-answer] You needn't send me LogiCola scores until right before the quiz

3 - Jan 17

LC: anyone finish ex, finish LC explanation, any LC questions? 8 (9-16), 8-12 [2.2a-b all, 2.2c 1-4, 2.3a 1-3], comp ex

Do 11 (5-14), 13-14 (4-16), read 15 (bottom) -17, B (H S E)

4 - Jan 22

LogiCola questions? 11 (5-14), 13-14 (4-16), 15-17 [1-2]

Do 15 (1-5), 17-18 (3-14), read 18-20 and 22-25, A (HM HT)

5 - Jan 24

15 (1-5), 17-18 (3-14), 18-20 [1-4], 22-25 [1-2]

Do 20-21 (5-15), 25 (3-6), read 26-27, B (D C)

First quiz soon and LogiCola scores due: set A (EM ET HM HT) and set B (H S E D C F I), office help

6 - Jan 27

20-21 (5-15), 25 (3-6), 26-27 [1-3]

Do 27-28 (4-15), B (F I)

7 - Jan 29

27-28 (4-15), explain quiz, LogiCola bonus/penalty. and office help. The quiz is like the sample quiz: 2 Eng BE, 3 idiom BI, 7 sent xltns A, 2 cir BC, 5 drv con BD. Explain which exercises are required [set A (EM ET HM HT) and set B (H S E D C F I)]; they are to e-mail me their LogiCola scores. Explain how to use LogiCola to prepare for the quiz and how to find in LogiCola (under HELP) sample quizzes and class slides.

Read pages 112-117

8 - Jan 31

Give written SC Quiz. Write on board: 1 E-mail me your LogiCola scores, late scores accepted only up to noon tomorrow. 2 Put name on top of test. 3 Get everything right. 4 I'll e-mail your grades, which include the LogiCola bonus or penalty.

Read pages 112-117.

9 - Feb 3

112-114 [1-10], 115-117

Do 114-115 (11-20), 118 (1-17), read 118-121, C (EM ET), D (TE FE)

10 - Feb 5

114-115 (11-20), 118 (1-17), 118-119 [1-8], 119-120 [1-4], 120-122 [1-2]

Do 119 (9-15), 120 (5-12), 122 (3-4), read 122-124 & 132-133, D (tm th ue um uh fm fh)

11 - Feb 7

119 (9-15), 120 (5-12), 122 (3-4), 132-133 [1-2], 122-125 [1-4]

Do 125 (5-7), 133 (3-15), read 126-128, C (HM HT), D (AE AM)

12 - Feb 10

133 (3-15), 125 (5-7), 126-128 [1-4], 129 [1-2]

Do 128 (5-15), 129-130 (3-10), read 134-138, E (S E)

13 - Feb 12

128 (5-15), 129-130 (3-10), 134-135 [1-3], 136-139 [1-8]

Do 130 (11-14), 135 (4-8), 139 (9-20), read 139-143, E (F I), F (SE SH)

14 - Feb 14

130 (11-14), 135 (4-8), 139 (9-20), 139-142 [1-8], 143 (1-4)

Do 135-136 (9-14), 142 (9-20), 143 (5-16), read 144-145, F (IE IH CE CH)

15 - Feb 17

135-136 (9-14), practice S & I rules, 142 (9-20), 143 (5-16), 144-145.

Quiz (like sample): 3 eng EE, 3 idiom EI, 6 sym ES, 12 S-I rules F, 5 xltn C, 1 tt DF, 2 tta DA. E-mail me your LogiCola scores.

Read pages 146-151

16 - Feb 19

Give written PC quiz. Write on board: 1. E-mail me your LogiCola scores, late scores accepted only up to noon tomorrow. 2 Put name on top of test. 3. Get everything right. 4. I'll e-mail your grades. Read pages 146-151.

The first line of your e-mail grade report has your two quiz scores (with LogiCola bonus/penalty). The second line has your course average so far.

If you're doing poorly, then: (1) if you aren't studying consistently, then you need to do this (and if you don't have time this semester to study more, then you should drop the course); (2) if you're studying consistently and still are doing poorly, then you need to come in for more help.

17 - Feb 21

146-152 [1-3 top]

Do 152 (4-5 not 10), 152 (1-2 English, not 3), read 154-157 and LogiCola's help-file section on "G - Propositional Proofs," F (TE TH), G (EV)

18 - Feb 24

152 (4-5) [10], 152 (1-2) [3], 154-157 [1-2]

Do 153 (4-8), 157 (3-4 not 5-6), continue w G (EV) or if brave try G (EI)

19 - Feb 26

153 (4-8), 157 (3-4) [5-6], 157 [1 English]

Do 157-159 (2-10), G (EI EC)

20 - Feb 28

157-159 (2-10), 2 asm ones in margin on 159

Do 159 (11-12), read 161-168, continue w G (EI EC) or if brave try G (HV)

Spring break: Mar 2 - 4 - 6

21 - Mar 9

159 (11-12), 161-168 [1-3]

Do 168-169 (1-5), read 170-171, G (HV)

22 - Mar 11

168-169 (1-5), 170-171 [1-4]

Do 171-172 (1-7), G (HI HC MC)

23 - Mar 13

171 [do two problems on the board that you make up -- have them try them first], 171-172 (1-7)

Quiz (like sample): 4 eng, 4 sym, 5 points each for xltn, v-i, proof

E-mail me your LogiCola scores. I suggest you review C & F & G (MC)

Read pages 230-233

24 - Mar 16

PF quiz: 1. E-mail me your LogiCola scores, late scores accepted only up to noon tomorrow. 2 Put name on top of test. 3. Get everything right. 4. I'll e-mail your grades. Read pages 230-233.

25 - Mar 18

230-233 [1-14]

Do 233 (15-21), read 234-238, J (BM, BT), skip J (QM & QT)

26 - Mar 20

233 (15-21), 234-238 [1-5]

Do 233 (22-26), 239 (1-5), read 241-244, K(V)

27 - Mar 23

233 (22-26), 239 (1-5), 241-245 [1-5], move quickly

Do 234 (27-30), 245 (eng probs 1-4 amb), continue w K (V) or if brave try K (I)

28 - Mar 25

234 (27-30), 244 [do two problems on the board that you make up -- have them try them first], 245 (bottom 1-4)

Do 245-246 (5-8), read fallacies 51-55, K (I, C)

29 - Mar 27

245-246 (5-8), 51-55 fallacies (first group)

Do 246 (9-12), read fallacies 55-60

30 - Mar 30

246 (9-12), 55-61 [1-10]

Do 247 (13-14), 61 fallacies (11-25), R

31 - Apr 1

247 (13-14), 61 (11-25)

Modal logic quiz (like sample - no fallacies): 4 sym arg, 3 eng arg, 5 xltns

Do 61-62 fallacies (26-40), read 182-185, do R

32 - Apr 3

MC quiz: 1. E-mail me your LogiCola scores, late scores accepted only up to noon tomorrow. 2 Put name on top of test. 3. Get everything right. 4. I'll e-mail your grades. Read pages 182-185, do fallacies 26-40 on pages 61-62, and continue with LogiCola R.

33 - Apr 6

61-62 fallacies (26-40), 182-186 [1-10]

Do 186 (11-20), 62 fallacies (41-50), read 186-190, H (EM, ET)

34 - Apr 8

62 (41-50), 186 (11-20), 186-190 [1-4]

Do 186 (21-25), 190-191 (1-5), read 191-194 & 196-197, I (EV)

Easter break: Apr 10 - 13

35 - Apr 15

186 (21-25), 196-197, 190-191 (1-5), 191-194 [1-4 top]

Do 194-195 (1-5), 197 (1-7), read 198-200, H (HM HT) & I (EI EC), warn hem about final exam

36 - Apr 17

194-195 (1-5), 197 (1-7), 198-200 [1-5]

Do 198 (8-15), 200-201 (1-6), I (HC, MC), rn hem about final exam

37 - Apr 20

198 (8-15), [do one problem on the board that you make up -- have them try it first], 200-201 (1-6)

Do 198 (16-20), 201 (7-10), rn hem about final exam

38 - Apr 22

198 (16-20), 201 (7-10), explain final exam

39 - Apr 24

Review course materials and suggest study strategies

FINAL EXAM: April 27 Mon at 9-11 (10 am group) and May 2 Sat at 1 pm (9 am group); write this on the board:

1. NAME: Put at top of test.
2. ANSWER: Circle the best one: - - O -
3. LOGICOLA: E-mail me your scores by ... (not later).
4. GRADES: I'll e-mail them by this evening.
5. VACATION: Have a great one!