What is your answer?

Kant thinks that we should

    { 1 } - seek our own happiness when this doesn't clash with other duties.
    { 2 } - always seek our own happiness regardless of other considerations.
    { 3 } - never seek our own happiness.

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1 is correct!

Kant thinks that we should

Kant says that we have a duty (at least an indirect one) to promote our own happiness. An unhappy person would likely get discouraged and neglect other duties.

There's a moral worth in pursuing our own happiness when we're motivated by duty (and not just by natural inclination).

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


2 is wrong. Please try again.

Kant thinks that we should

    { 1 } - seek our own happiness when this doesn't clash with other duties.
    { 2 } - always seek our own happiness regardless of other considerations.
    { 3 } - never seek our own happiness.

This is ethical egoism.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

Kant thinks that we should

    { 1 } - seek our own happiness when this doesn't clash with other duties.
    { 2 } - always seek our own happiness regardless of other considerations.
    { 3 } - never seek our own happiness.

This would be a bizarre view.

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the end