What is your answer?

When you do wrong, you typically

    { 1 } - want others to follow certain norms while yet you violate them.
    { 2 } - want everyone to live as you live.

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1 is correct!

When you do wrong, you typically

If you're a robber, then you want people not to steal from you. And you want people in general to respect property rights (since otherwise there wouldn't be much to steal).

But you want to make yourself an exception to these rules.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


2 is wrong. Please try again.

When you do wrong, you typically

    { 1 } - want others to follow certain norms while yet you violate them.
    { 2 } - want everyone to live as you live.

So if you're a robber, then you want everyone to rob -- including from you? Surely not!

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the end