What is your answer?
Plato's approach to ethics is (or is closest to)
{ 1 } - emotivism.
{ 2 } - intuitionism.
{ 3 } - the divine command theory.
{ 4 } - naturalism.
{ 5 } - Plato fluctuated on this, and so it is unclear what he really held.
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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 5.
1 is wrong. Please try again.
Plato's approach to ethics is (or is closest to)
{ 1 } - emotivism.
{ 2 } - intuitionism.
{ 3 } - the divine command theory.
{ 4 } - naturalism.
{ 5 } - Plato fluctuated on this, and so it is unclear what he really held.
Surely not!
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2 is correct!
Plato's approach to ethics is (or is closest to)
{ 1 } - emotivism.
{ 2 } - intuitionism.
{ 3 } - the divine command theory.
{ 4 } - naturalism.
{ 5 } - Plato fluctuated on this, and so it is unclear what he really held.
Ethics is from pure reason -- from first principles that the mind grasps in the same way that it grasps axioms of geometry.
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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.
3 is wrong. Please try again.
Plato's approach to ethics is (or is closest to)
{ 1 } - emotivism.
{ 2 } - intuitionism.
{ 3 } - the divine command theory.
{ 4 } - naturalism.
{ 5 } - Plato fluctuated on this, and so it is unclear what he really held.
He rejected this in the Euthyphro.
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4 is wrong. Please try again.
Plato's approach to ethics is (or is closest to)
{ 1 } - emotivism.
{ 2 } - intuitionism.
{ 3 } - the divine command theory.
{ 4 } - naturalism.
{ 5 } - Plato fluctuated on this, and so it is unclear what he really held.
This would make ethical truths part of the lower world of sense!
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5 is wrong. Please try again.
Plato's approach to ethics is (or is closest to)
{ 1 } - emotivism.
{ 2 } - intuitionism.
{ 3 } - the divine command theory.
{ 4 } - naturalism.
{ 5 } - Plato fluctuated on this, and so it is unclear what he really held.
Plato was very clear on this.
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the end