What is your answer?

Austin thinks that our knowledge of our own sensations is

    { 1 } - never certain.
    { 2 } - sometimes certain and sometimes uncertain.
    { 3 } - always certain.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

Austin thinks that our knowledge of our own sensations is

We're sometimes uncertain about whether the shape we see is pink or red -- or has six dots or only five -- or has dots of all the same size.

Under ideal conditions (for example, we're carefully attentive to our experiences and we're experiencing something fairly simple), our knowledge of our own sensations can be very certain.

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2 is correct!

Austin thinks that our knowledge of our own sensations is

    { 1 } - never certain.
    { 2 } - sometimes certain and sometimes uncertain.
    { 3 } - always certain.

We're sometimes uncertain about whether the shape we see is pink or red -- or has six dots or only five -- or has dots of all the same size.

Under ideal conditions (for example, we're carefully attentive to our experiences and we're experiencing something fairly simple), our knowledge of our own sensations can be very certain.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


3 is wrong. Please try again.

Austin thinks that our knowledge of our own sensations is

    { 1 } - never certain.
    { 2 } - sometimes certain and sometimes uncertain.
    { 3 } - always certain.

We're sometimes uncertain about whether the shape we see is pink or red -- or has six dots or only five -- or has dots of all the same size.

Under ideal conditions (for example, we're carefully attentive to our experiences and we're experiencing something fairly simple), our knowledge of our own sensations can be very certain.

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the end