What is your answer?

According to what Austin calls the foundationalist approach, our empirical knowledge of the world is

    { 1 } - based on certain knowledge about sense data.
    { 2 } - uncertain.
    { 3 } - both of the above.
    { 4 } - neither of the above.

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 4.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

According to what Austin calls the foundationalist approach, our empirical knowledge of the world is

The other answer is correct too.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

According to what Austin calls the foundationalist approach, our empirical knowledge of the world is

    { 1 } - based on certain knowledge about sense data.
    { 2 } - uncertain.
    { 3 } - both of the above.
    { 4 } - neither of the above.

The other answer is correct too.

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3 is correct!

According to what Austin calls the foundationalist approach, our empirical knowledge of the world is

    { 1 } - based on certain knowledge about sense data.
    { 2 } - uncertain.
    { 3 } - both of the above.
    { 4 } - neither of the above.

Foundationalists say that our empirical knowledge of the world is uncertain -- but is based on knowledge about sense data that is certain.

Austin rejects both ideas. He says that some of our empirical knowledge is certain; if we investigate a pig thoroughly enough, we can sometimes be sure that it's a pig. And sometimes we're uncertain about appearances; for example, we can be unsure of whether the shape is pink or red, or whether we see six dots or only five.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


4 is wrong. Please try again.

According to what Austin calls the foundationalist approach, our empirical knowledge of the world is

    { 1 } - based on certain knowledge about sense data.
    { 2 } - uncertain.
    { 3 } - both of the above.
    { 4 } - neither of the above.

Get a clue!

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the end