What is your answer?

The later Wittgenstein's motto "Don't think -- but look!" means

    { 1 } - instead of thinking about things, we should have an empty stare that reveals the nothingness of being.
    { 2 } - all human knowledge is from sense experience.
    { 3 } - base your views on concrete examples, not on preconceptions.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

The later Wittgenstein's motto "Don't think -- but look!" means


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2 is wrong. Please try again.

The later Wittgenstein's motto "Don't think -- but look!" means

    { 1 } - instead of thinking about things, we should have an empty stare that reveals the nothingness of being.
    { 2 } - all human knowledge is from sense experience.
    { 3 } - base your views on concrete examples, not on preconceptions.

This isn't a bad guess. But a rigid view like this goes against the motto.

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3 is correct!

The later Wittgenstein's motto "Don't think -- but look!" means

    { 1 } - instead of thinking about things, we should have an empty stare that reveals the nothingness of being.
    { 2 } - all human knowledge is from sense experience.
    { 3 } - base your views on concrete examples, not on preconceptions.

So Wittgenstein turned from his rigid system and became very anti-system.

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the end