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According to the later Wittgenstein, if we know something then we can always express this knowledge in words.

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 2.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

According to the later Wittgenstein, if we know something then we can always express this knowledge in words.

Wittgenstein asked us to compare knowing and saying:

    How many feet high Mont Blanc is --
    How the word "game" is used --
    How a clarinet sounds.
If you are surprised that one can know something and not be able to say it, you are perhaps thinking of a case like the first -- not one like the third.

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2 is correct!

According to the later Wittgenstein, if we know something then we can always express this knowledge in words.

Wittgenstein asked us to compare knowing and saying:

    How many feet high Mont Blanc is --
    How the word "game" is used --
    How a clarinet sounds.
If you are surprised that one can know something and not be able to say it, you are perhaps thinking of a case like the first -- not one like the third.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


the end