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Ima Subjectivist once accepted cultural relativism, but he switched to subjectivism because

    { 1 } - CR gave no way to think out a moral issue in a rational way.
    { 2 } - CR denied that values were objective.
    { 3 } - CR denied him the freedom to form his own moral judgments.

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Ima Subjectivist once accepted cultural relativism, but he switched to subjectivism because

Subjectivism isn't any more rational. On SB, if I like X then X must be good -- regardless of how inconsistent and misinformed my feelings are.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Subjectivist once accepted cultural relativism, but he switched to subjectivism because

    { 1 } - CR gave no way to think out a moral issue in a rational way.
    { 2 } - CR denied that values were objective.
    { 3 } - CR denied him the freedom to form his own moral judgments.

Subjectivism also denies that values are objective.

On SB, something is good only relative to such and such an individual. There's no objective fact about racism being good or bad. Instead, some people like it (and say that it's good) while others dislike it (and say that it's bad).

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3 is correct!

Ima Subjectivist once accepted cultural relativism, but he switched to subjectivism because

    { 1 } - CR gave no way to think out a moral issue in a rational way.
    { 2 } - CR denied that values were objective.
    { 3 } - CR denied him the freedom to form his own moral judgments.

CR would force Ima to accept all of society's values. If Ima found out that most people approved of racism, he'd have to conclude that racism is good. He couldn't think for himself on moral issues. So he found CR repulsive.

Ima said that growing up requires that we question our inherited values. Our value judgments are about how we personally feel, not about how society feels.

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