What is your answer?

Suppose that your Nazi friend, who likes racism, says "Racism is good." You, who dislike racism, say "Racism is bad."

According to subjectivism,

    { 1 } - both moral judgments are true.
    { 2 } - one of these moral judgments is false.

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1 is correct!

Suppose that your Nazi friend, who likes racism, says "Racism is good." You, who dislike racism, say "Racism is bad."

According to subjectivism,

Since a moral judgment is simply a description of our feelings, and both moral judgments are accurate discriptions, both moral judgments are true.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


2 is wrong. Please try again.

Suppose that your Nazi friend, who likes racism, says "Racism is good." You, who dislike racism, say "Racism is bad."

According to subjectivism,

    { 1 } - both moral judgments are true.
    { 2 } - one of these moral judgments is false.

This is the objective view, which Ima rejects. The objective view takes "X is good" to be a claim that is objectively true or false regardless of what people think or feel about the matter.

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the end