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Subjectivism can be defined as the view that we should follow what we think is right.

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Subjectivism can be defined as the view that we should follow what we think is right.

People who hold other views could say "We should follow what we think is right." They'd add that we should form our views about what is right by following society (cultural relativism), or God (supernaturalism), or what is self-evident (intuitionism).

To define subjectivism, you have to talk about FEELINGS. Subjectivism says that moral judgments describe how we feel: "X is good" means "I like X."

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2 is correct!

Subjectivism can be defined as the view that we should follow what we think is right.

People who hold other views could say "We should follow what we think is right." They'd add that we should form our views about what is right by following society (cultural relativism), or God (supernaturalism), or what is self-evident (intuitionism).

To define subjectivism, you have to talk about FEELINGS. Subjectivism says that moral judgments describe how we feel: "X is good" means "I like X."

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