What is your answer?

Ima Subjectivist's family taught him a strict prohibition against drinking, while his college friends taught him that it was good to drink heavily on weekends. Ima thought things out and then followed his own feelings. In the end, he came to be

    { 1 } - against all drinking -- since drinking led to things that he disliked (such as fights, hangovers, alcoholism, unwanted pregnancies, and traffic deaths).
    { 2 } - in favor of heavy drinking -- since this led to things that he liked (such as fun and sociability).
    { 3 } - in favor of moderate drinking only (since this best promoted all the values that he had positive feelings about).

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Subjectivist's family taught him a strict prohibition against drinking, while his college friends taught him that it was good to drink heavily on weekends. Ima thought things out and then followed his own feelings. In the end, he came to be

But drinking also led to things that he liked (such as fun and sociability).

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Subjectivist's family taught him a strict prohibition against drinking, while his college friends taught him that it was good to drink heavily on weekends. Ima thought things out and then followed his own feelings. In the end, he came to be

    { 1 } - against all drinking -- since drinking led to things that he disliked (such as fights, hangovers, alcoholism, unwanted pregnancies, and traffic deaths).
    { 2 } - in favor of heavy drinking -- since this led to things that he liked (such as fun and sociability).
    { 3 } - in favor of moderate drinking only (since this best promoted all the values that he had positive feelings about).

But heavy drinking also led to things that he disliked (such as fights, hangovers, alcoholism, unwanted pregnancies, and traffic deaths).

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3 is correct!

Ima Subjectivist's family taught him a strict prohibition against drinking, while his college friends taught him that it was good to drink heavily on weekends. Ima thought things out and then followed his own feelings. In the end, he came to be

    { 1 } - against all drinking -- since drinking led to things that he disliked (such as fights, hangovers, alcoholism, unwanted pregnancies, and traffic deaths).
    { 2 } - in favor of heavy drinking -- since this led to things that he liked (such as fun and sociability).
    { 3 } - in favor of moderate drinking only (since this best promoted all the values that he had positive feelings about).

Some of Ima's friends drank heavily because this was "cool" (socially approved). They didn't think much about the consequences. Ima was highly critical of these people. He thought they behaved like children, blindly following group values instead of thinking things out for themselves.

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