What is your answer?

Ima Idealist rejected the subjectivist advice "Follow your feelings," because

    { 1 } - he followed his feelings about eating -- and gained fifty pounds.
    { 2 } - he followed his anti-social feelings -- and hurt other people.
    { 3 } - he followed his feelings about when to attend class -- and nearly flunked out of school.
    { 4 } - all of the above.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Idealist rejected the subjectivist advice "Follow your feelings," because

The other things happened too.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Idealist rejected the subjectivist advice "Follow your feelings," because

    { 1 } - he followed his feelings about eating -- and gained fifty pounds.
    { 2 } - he followed his anti-social feelings -- and hurt other people.
    { 3 } - he followed his feelings about when to attend class -- and nearly flunked out of school.
    { 4 } - all of the above.

The other things happened too.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Idealist rejected the subjectivist advice "Follow your feelings," because

    { 1 } - he followed his feelings about eating -- and gained fifty pounds.
    { 2 } - he followed his anti-social feelings -- and hurt other people.
    { 3 } - he followed his feelings about when to attend class -- and nearly flunked out of school.
    { 4 } - all of the above.

The other things happened too.

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4 is correct!

Ima Idealist rejected the subjectivist advice "Follow your feelings," because

    { 1 } - he followed his feelings about eating -- and gained fifty pounds.
    { 2 } - he followed his anti-social feelings -- and hurt other people.
    { 3 } - he followed his feelings about when to attend class -- and nearly flunked out of school.
    { 4 } - all of the above.

Ima learned that "Follow your feelings" is bad advice if your feelings are foolish. If we just do as we like, we soon won't like what we've made of our lives.

He concluded that we sometimes need to train our likes and dislikes, instead of following them blindly. We need to combine feelings with rationality. His motto became "Develop rational moral feelings first -- and then follow your feelings."

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