What is your answer?

The ideal observer view holds that we should pick out our moral principles by following

    { 1 } - our feelings.
    { 2 } - what we'd desire if we were fully informed and impartial.
    { 3 } - what is socially approved.
    { 4 } - God's will.

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 4.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

The ideal observer view holds that we should pick out our moral principles by following

This is subjectivism.

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2 is correct!

The ideal observer view holds that we should pick out our moral principles by following

    { 1 } - our feelings.
    { 2 } - what we'd desire if we were fully informed and impartial.
    { 3 } - what is socially approved.
    { 4 } - God's will.

We'd pick out our moral principles by trying to become as rational (factually informed and impartially concerned for everyone) as possible -- and then following our desires.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


3 is wrong. Please try again.

The ideal observer view holds that we should pick out our moral principles by following

    { 1 } - our feelings.
    { 2 } - what we'd desire if we were fully informed and impartial.
    { 3 } - what is socially approved.
    { 4 } - God's will.

This is cultural relativism.

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

The ideal observer view holds that we should pick out our moral principles by following

    { 1 } - our feelings.
    { 2 } - what we'd desire if we were fully informed and impartial.
    { 3 } - what is socially approved.
    { 4 } - God's will.

This is supernaturalism.

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the end