What is your answer?

Suppose that you were elected to Congress. If you followed the ideal observer view, on what basis would you appraise a proposed law as "good" and thus as worthy of your vote?

    { 1 } - You'd form your values in a way that is factually informed and impartially concerned for everyone.
    { 2 } - You'd follow your feelings.
    { 3 } - You'd count noses and go with what the majority favors.

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 3.


1 is correct!

Suppose that you were elected to Congress. If you followed the ideal observer view, on what basis would you appraise a proposed law as "good" and thus as worthy of your vote?

This would seem to give a much better basis for democracy.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


2 is wrong. Please try again.

Suppose that you were elected to Congress. If you followed the ideal observer view, on what basis would you appraise a proposed law as "good" and thus as worthy of your vote?

    { 1 } - You'd form your values in a way that is factually informed and impartially concerned for everyone.
    { 2 } - You'd follow your feelings.
    { 3 } - You'd count noses and go with what the majority favors.

This is the approach of subjectivism. The problem here is that your feelings can be ignorant or biased.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

Suppose that you were elected to Congress. If you followed the ideal observer view, on what basis would you appraise a proposed law as "good" and thus as worthy of your vote?

    { 1 } - You'd form your values in a way that is factually informed and impartially concerned for everyone.
    { 2 } - You'd follow your feelings.
    { 3 } - You'd count noses and go with what the majority favors.

This is the approach of cultural relativism. The problem here is that the majority can be ignorant, or swayed by propaganda and lies.

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the end