What is your answer?

Ima Supernaturalist holds that "X is good" means

    { 1 } - "We'd desire X if we were fully informed and impartial."
    { 2 } - "God desires X."
    { 3 } - "I like X."
    { 4 } - "X is socially approved."

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Directions: Click on a number from 1 to 4.


1 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Supernaturalist holds that "X is good" means

This is the ideal observer view.

Ima notes that this is close to supernaturalism if we take God to be the ideal observer -- the only one who has perfect knowledge and love.

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2 is correct!

Ima Supernaturalist holds that "X is good" means

    { 1 } - "We'd desire X if we were fully informed and impartial."
    { 2 } - "God desires X."
    { 3 } - "I like X."
    { 4 } - "X is socially approved."

Moral judgments are statements about God's will.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


3 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Supernaturalist holds that "X is good" means

    { 1 } - "We'd desire X if we were fully informed and impartial."
    { 2 } - "God desires X."
    { 3 } - "I like X."
    { 4 } - "X is socially approved."

This is subjectivism.

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4 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Supernaturalist holds that "X is good" means

    { 1 } - "We'd desire X if we were fully informed and impartial."
    { 2 } - "God desires X."
    { 3 } - "I like X."
    { 4 } - "X is socially approved."

This is cultural relativism.

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the end