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Ima Supernaturalist thinks that supernaturalism leads people

    { 1 } - to connect morality closely with religion.
    { 2 } - to see morality as objective and to take it seriously.
    { 3 } - to see atheists as confused about morality.
    { 4 } - to do all of the above.

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Ima Supernaturalist thinks that supernaturalism leads people

Supernaturalists often have a strong religious motivation to follow morality, and often follow a religious approach to moral education. Many think that you can't teach morality without teaching religion.

Ima accepts all three points.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Supernaturalist thinks that supernaturalism leads people

    { 1 } - to connect morality closely with religion.
    { 2 } - to see morality as objective and to take it seriously.
    { 3 } - to see atheists as confused about morality.
    { 4 } - to do all of the above.

Ethics rests on a higher authority. For example, racism is objectively wrong, since God forbids it. So supernaturalists take the duty to oppose racism seriously -- more seriously than if it were based only on personal feelings or social approval.

Ima accepts all three points.

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3 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Supernaturalist thinks that supernaturalism leads people

    { 1 } - to connect morality closely with religion.
    { 2 } - to see morality as objective and to take it seriously.
    { 3 } - to see atheists as confused about morality.
    { 4 } - to do all of the above.

Supernaturalists are often perplexed that there are atheists who accept morality and try to live moral lives. But many think that atheists originally got their values from a religious source. They lost their religion but kept the values -- even though the values make sense only on a religious basis.

Ima accepts all three points.

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4 is correct!

Ima Supernaturalist thinks that supernaturalism leads people

    { 1 } - to connect morality closely with religion.
    { 2 } - to see morality as objective and to take it seriously.
    { 3 } - to see atheists as confused about morality.
    { 4 } - to do all of the above.

Ima sees supernaturalism as affecting people's lives in all of these ways.

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