What is your answer?

The famous question of Socrates about supernaturalism asks:

    { 1 } - "What should we do if Apollo desires one thing while Zeus desires another?"
    { 2 } - "Is a good thing good because God desires it? Or does God desire it because it is good?"
    { 3 } - "If there is a God, then why is there evil in the world?"

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

The famous question of Socrates about supernaturalism asks:

This is pretty good for a wild guess!

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2 is correct!

The famous question of Socrates about supernaturalism asks:

    { 1 } - "What should we do if Apollo desires one thing while Zeus desires another?"
    { 2 } - "Is a good thing good because God desires it? Or does God desire it because it is good?"
    { 3 } - "If there is a God, then why is there evil in the world?"

Assume that kindness is good and is desired by God. Which is based on which? Is kindness good because God desires it? Or does God desire it because it's good?

SN must take the first (and less plausible) alternative. Here kindness is good because God desires it. It wouldn't be good if God didn't desire it. Prior to God's desires, things are neither good nor bad.

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Before continuing, you might try some wrong answers.


3 is wrong. Please try again.

The famous question of Socrates about supernaturalism asks:

    { 1 } - "What should we do if Apollo desires one thing while Zeus desires another?"
    { 2 } - "Is a good thing good because God desires it? Or does God desire it because it is good?"
    { 3 } - "If there is a God, then why is there evil in the world?"

This is the "problem of evil" objection to belief in God.

This question goes back to Empiricus, not to Socrates. It isn't directly about the supernaturalist analysis of "good" as "desired by God."

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the end