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Ima Supernaturalist believes that the Bible teaches clear-cut principles that tell us what to do in every particular case.

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Ima Supernaturalist believes that the Bible teaches clear-cut principles that tell us what to do in every particular case.

Ima admits that there are gray areas where people interpret the Bible differently.

Her grandfather, for example, was a pacifist during the Vietnam war. He thought it was wrong to kill a human for any reason, even self-defense. He took "Thou shalt not kill" and "Turn the other cheek" literally. But many of his friends thought it their duty to fight the "godless Communists." They quoted Biblical passages urging the Israelites to conquer their enemies.

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2 is correct!

Ima Supernaturalist believes that the Bible teaches clear-cut principles that tell us what to do in every particular case.

Ima admits that there are gray areas where people interpret the Bible differently.

Her grandfather, for example, was a pacifist during the Vietnam war. He thought it was wrong to kill a human for any reason, even self-defense. He took "Thou shalt not kill" and "Turn the other cheek" literally. But many of his friends thought it their duty to fight the "godless Communists." They quoted Biblical passages urging the Israelites to conquer their enemies.

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