What is your answer?

Ima Supernaturalist argues that supernaturalism must be true -- since the Bible teaches it. Which of these is the best objection to her argument?

    { 1 } - The Bible is often hard to interpret on moral issues.
    { 2 } - Some moral truths might be true of their very nature, instead of being true because God made them true.
    { 3 } - Even if we assume that what the Bible teaches must be true, still it's doubtful that the Bible teaches supernaturalism.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Supernaturalist argues that supernaturalism must be true -- since the Bible teaches it. Which of these is the best objection to her argument?

This is true, but irrelevant to the argument. Ima could admit this without damaging her argument.

Ima is arguing that SN must be true because the Bible teaches it.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

Ima Supernaturalist argues that supernaturalism must be true -- since the Bible teaches it. Which of these is the best objection to her argument?

    { 1 } - The Bible is often hard to interpret on moral issues.
    { 2 } - Some moral truths might be true of their very nature, instead of being true because God made them true.
    { 3 } - Even if we assume that what the Bible teaches must be true, still it's doubtful that the Bible teaches supernaturalism.

This asserts an opposing view but doesn't directly attack Ima's argument.

Ima is arguing that SN must be true because the Bible teaches it.

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3 is correct!

Ima Supernaturalist argues that supernaturalism must be true -- since the Bible teaches it. Which of these is the best objection to her argument?

    { 1 } - The Bible is often hard to interpret on moral issues.
    { 2 } - Some moral truths might be true of their very nature, instead of being true because God made them true.
    { 3 } - Even if we assume that what the Bible teaches must be true, still it's doubtful that the Bible teaches supernaturalism.

The Bible teaches that we ought to obey God. But it isn't concerned with whether God's will makes things good (as supernaturalism holds) or whether some things are good of their very nature (and so God commands them because they're already good). The later view rejects supernaturalism but is consistent with the Bible.

So the Bible doesn't really take a stand for or against supernaturalism.

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