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Regardless of supernaturalism, atheists and believers tend to differ in whether they see our origin and purpose in moral terms.

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Regardless of supernaturalism, atheists and believers tend to differ in whether they see our origin and purpose in moral terms.

Atheists think that we sprang up in a universe that's ultimately indifferent to moral concerns -- and that life as a whole has no ultimate moral purpose.

Believers see our origin and purpose in moral terms. God created us so that our minds can know the good and our wills can freely choose it. God intends that our moral struggles purify us and lead us toward our ultimate goal, which is eternal happiness with him.

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Regardless of supernaturalism, atheists and believers tend to differ in whether they see our origin and purpose in moral terms.

Atheists think that we sprang up in a universe that's ultimately indifferent to moral concerns -- and that life as a whole has no ultimate moral purpose.

Believers see our origin and purpose in moral terms. God created us so that our minds can know the good and our wills can freely choose it. God intends that our moral struggles purify us and lead us toward our ultimate goal, which is eternal happiness with him.

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