What is your answer?

What premise is missing from this argument against supernaturalism?

    If supernatualism were true, then atheists couldn't consistently make positive moral judgments.
    [... missing premise ...]
    So supernatualism isn't true.
    { 1 } - If there were a God, then there would be no evil in the world.
    { 2 } - We can explain morality on totally secular terms.
    { 3 } - Atheists can consistently make positive moral judgments.

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1 is wrong. Please try again.

What premise is missing from this argument against supernaturalism?

    If supernatualism were true, then atheists couldn't consistently make positive moral judgments.
    [... missing premise ...]
    So supernatualism isn't true.

This wouldn't make the argument valid.

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2 is wrong. Please try again.

What premise is missing from this argument against supernaturalism?

    If supernatualism were true, then atheists couldn't consistently make positive moral judgments.
    [... missing premise ...]
    So supernatualism isn't true.
    { 1 } - If there were a God, then there would be no evil in the world.
    { 2 } - We can explain morality on totally secular terms.
    { 3 } - Atheists can consistently make positive moral judgments.

This wouldn't make the argument valid.

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3 is correct!

What premise is missing from this argument against supernaturalism?

    If supernatualism were true, then atheists couldn't consistently make positive moral judgments.
    [... missing premise ...]
    So supernatualism isn't true.
    { 1 } - If there were a God, then there would be no evil in the world.
    { 2 } - We can explain morality on totally secular terms.
    { 3 } - Atheists can consistently make positive moral judgments.

Ima thinks that atheists who make positive moral judgments are inconsistent, since "X is good" presupposes God's existence. She seems to assume (implausibly) that our atheist friends use "X is good" to mean "God desires X."

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the end